Heifers watching us watch them

It is always a good day when you have farm visitors!!

Recently life member of the Australian Salers Association, Reg Mickelbrough, (Scattered Gums Salers), had a farm visit from some South Australian Salers breeders, Roz and Ainsley Curtis, (Cara Park Salers), who spent the morning with Reg talking and viewing his cattle. 

Roz said, they had seen Reg’s cattle on a several occasions when the Australian Salers Association had held their farm visits, in conjunction with the AGM and had admired his cattle for their size, depth and width.  This trip was no different.

One of Reg’s mobs of cows and calves that feature sires such as Alsha Baylee Johnson, Scattered Gums Jake and Scattered Gums Sir Reginald Charles.

Of particular interest to Roz and Ainsley this farm visit was Reg’s use of semen from a French bull called Hussar.  Scattered Gums Sir Reginald Charles, is one of Hussar’s sons and has been used within Reg’s breeding program leaving some very stylish animals.


Ainsley said “When on a farm visit, it is always good to look at what genetics other breeders have used and the different agricultural techniques used on their properties.”  Ainsley was particularly interested in the aerator Reg uses to incorporate the fowl manure into the soil while aerating it.  Advantages Reg has found by doing this are, improved soil structure, better nutrient availability and greater grass root penetration which allows the grass to continue growing longer into summer.

Currently Reg has a group of females ready for an AI program but is waiting on the arrival of semen from the UK of RIGEL POLARIS POLL to land in Australia. He is looking forward to being able to use a new sire and to see the style of animals produced.

Some more of the females waiting for the arrival of Rigel Polaris Poll semen.

Any inquiries for this semen, please contact Chris McIlroy at Agri-Gene Pty Ltd on Phone: 03 5722 2666 or Email: chris@agrigene.com.au

A link to Rigel Polaris Poll – https://www.uksires.co.uk/en/shop/products/rigel-polaris-poll

Roz and Ainsley extend a heartfelt thank you to Reg and his family for hosting them for the morning.  The weather was good; cattle were great and the hospitality even better.