Meeting held 19/11/2016 @ Middle Ridge Golf Club, Toowoomba, QLD

Meeting opened at 2040 hrs:

Chairman: Peter Rogers

Minutes: Kathy Gardner

Attendees:    Michael Manley; Reg Mickelburough; Alan Penfold; Peter Rogers & Cheryl Bass; Neil & Kathy Gardner; Therese Manley; Neville & Annette Hinrichsen; Bruce & Linda McInnes; John Kennedy; Frank Hill.  Roz Curtis (via phone)

Apologies: Marg & Dave Pettit; Steve & Jenny McCourt; Kev & Joyce Gordon.

Minutes of previous AGM held 8/12/2015 accepted. Motion passed to accept President’s Report                                                                                                                        Moved: Alan Penfold     2nd: Kathy Gardner

Presidents Report:

  • Peter expressed sincere thanks to the Manley family for their hospitality and organisation of 2016 AGM and farm tour. Everyone in attendance applauded the effort.
  • Advised those present that council has met on a regular basis via Skype Meetings and activities as set out by president have been met. Advised meeting that Salers society has run at a surplus.
  • Roz recognised for the fantastic effort in updating and maintaining web site.
  • Agreement renewed with ABRI
  • Peter has asked members if there is anything which they have to suggest to increase the promotion of the breed.

Treasurers Report:

The treasurer’s report was tabled. A surplus of $2,155.00 was well accepted. Motion passed to accept Treasurer’s Report:

Moved: Kathy Gardner   2nd: Alan Penfold

Regional Reports:

Advised by President that each councillor is to provide ⅓ page submission for posting on Web site.

Special Resolution:

To consider the proposed Special Resolution altering the Rules of the Association in the following terms –
officially changing Rule 7.2.1 of the current Rules and Regulations of the Association regarding number of members required to form  a quorum
at General Meetings of members, being eight financial members present “in person”  be changed by adding the following words after “in person”
“or by loud speaker telephone, Skype, or other communications suitable method which enables the member to hear and be heard by each other
member being physically in attendance or by such other suitable communication method, throughout the course of the meeting,”

§ To transact such other business of the association as may be submitted to the meeting in accordance with the Rules.

DATED at Kiama this 20th day of October 2016 By Order of the Board of Directors
Australian Salers Association Inc., P O Box 189,  KIAMA.  NSW

Motion put forward – nil further discussion. All in attendance agreed and therefore motion passed.

Roz then officially welcomed to join any discussions taking place.

General Business:

  • Roz advised meeting of success of Alan Kranz – SA breeder who won Supreme Champion Steer at Mount Gambier Led Steer Competition.
  • Alan advised that he had won Champion Calf at Perth Royal Show with a Red Rock sired calf.
  • Brief discussions regarding 2017 AGM and farm tour. Frank Hill has expressed an interest in holding same. ? Other parties may also be interested. The committee will inform members as early as possible of destination to enable scheduling of same into work timetables.
  • Meeting advised that director positions will become vacant next year and that positions will need to be elected.
  • Reg advised that the International Salers Meeting will be in France in 2018 and wondered if there may be a party of people interested in attending.
  • Neville and Annette indicated they would like to become members of the Salers Society. Membership application to be provided.

Meeting closed at 2100 hrs.

WA AGM report 2016

SA AGM report 2016

QLD AGM report 2016

Presidents and Victorian Report 2016