Cattle, people and fairy floss was all the go at this year’s Canberra Royal Show (21st – 23rd February).  Nicolstoke Farm exhibited at the Canberra Royal show this year, waving the flag high with their Salers cattle, spoke to many people about the benefits of Salers and purchased a bucket or two of Fairy floss.

Nicolstoke Farm ( exhibited three stand out junior heifers as part of the rare breeds special.  Having come out of a very tough season feed wise, it was noted by the judge that the heifers were not quite in ‘show’ condition.  However, it was also commented that each of the heifers was an impressive size for their age and that reach of neck, length of body, balance, and movement was superb in all three.

Animals exhibited were –

Nicolstoke Uma (Black) – 15-months –

Nicolstoke Viola (Red) – 11-months –

Nicolstoke Verity (Black) – 10-months –

Nicolstoke Uma was the standout, holding a bit more condition and being more moderately framed. She is showing more mature qualities, with plenty of volume on her rear and carrying strength through her back to her shoulders, while still maintaining a good feminine wedge shape.

Bevan Nicholas said “We got a lot of attention from other breeders as well as the public, by being approachable and letting people interact with the animals.  Interest was sparked in the animals by exhibitors and show patrons alike because the cattle were not the normal  breeds seen locally”

He went onto say,” we primarily promoted the calving ease and maternal traits, having never had to pull a Salers calf while we’ve been breeding them.” Bevan continues by saying “it was a great experience attending the show, and it is good to have Salers out there in the public eye and on display.  My aim in 2027 is to take Uma back with a calf at foot and hopefully a young bull or heifer from our 2025 AI program with the new sire “Rigel Polaris”.  Ultimately I would like to repeat my parent’s success in 2020 when they won Grand Champion Female and Supreme Salers Exhibit with their cow and calf combo.

L- R Nicolstoke Viola, Bevan Nicholas, Nicolstoke Uma, Steve Nicholas, Stuart Glover, and Alan Biddle
Placing’s in the Salers class with Nicolstoke Uma, Supreme Champion Female and Nicolstoke Viola, Reserve Champion Female.